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3rd day of life puppies and early neurological stimulation
Sissi good care of their puppies, and works with them to the maximum. Puppies thrive very well and with each weighing gain weight. And now begins the process of early neurological stimulation.

In many programs, animal husbandry is the entire process of selection based on the belief that power is hereditary. The study (exercising racehorses), however, They showed that performance is inherited from only 35% of the remaining 65% corresponded to other factors (training, management, nutrition).
Neurological stimulation has optimum results, if it starts with her third day after birth puppy and ends on the 16th day. This interval is a period of rapid growth and neurological development, and therefore it is very important for individuals. Exercise require that each puppy has undergone all five exercises in regular succession.
Handling each puppy once a day, contains the following exercises: touch stimulation (between toes), Head held erect, Head Down Firing, supine position, thermal stimulation.
This exercise activates neurological systems earlier than usual. The result is an increase in performance and durability neurological system which later lead to higher efficiency of the animal.
American cynologists found in dogs who have been exposed to this neurological stimulation, five improvements:
1. Improve cardiovascular performance (heartbeat)
2. Stronger heart sounds
3. Improved activity of the adrenal glands
4. Greater tolerance to stress
5. Greater resistance to diseases.
Tests have shown that stimulated pups are much more active, much more dedicated to exploring their surroundings. Secondary effect also improve performance.

Bastet Paganiniho symfonie (reserved)

Bélos Paganiniho symfonie (reserved)

Busiris Paganiniho symfonie (reserved)

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