• "Hoopers" is a new full-sized and individual sports activities for dogs. Comes from the US and has expanded over time and in Europe (one of the pioneering countries is currently the Netherlands). Although the origin of Hoopers refers us to agility, it is today a separate sport. It offers the possibility of active enjoyment both for all dogs, which still makes the joy of movement. Likewise, it is designed for handlers - owner of such dog or handler restricted in movement who want to enjoy your dog healthy and active entertainment joint.
    Hoopers is a sport involving a dog on a mental and physical requirements, but the obstacles are designed safely and with the minimum demands on the musculoskeletal system of the dog and handler.
    All the training and learning processes use any coercive methods of work with the dog, especially clicker training. The aim of the training process the dog is apprehensive voice and visual aids handler so it is not dependent on its movement. Separately will overcome the obstacles, which runs or runs along them. During this training can, however, use and movement of the handler and the dog down the field gradually learn to work independently. Hoopers elements are suitable for absolutely any team handler - dog, whether it's a young dog, preparing for a career in agility, or teams with dogs discarded from the competition due to an injury or other medical malady that does not allow them to jump further. It is also suitable for dogs for which with respect to their physique skipping inappropriate. And last but not least, is designed for teams that simply have fun shared activity with your dog and enjoy training variability associated with common shifting their own border cooperation.


    • Nosework could be loosely translated as about "Work nose." This is a brand new dog sport, which is based on the most natural ability of all dogs - smell. Man dogs now used to search for different specific odors that dogs in different environments and for various situations unmistakably reveals the odor of drugs, explosives or accelerants fire dog's nose is a device criminologists, when using the method of odor identification identify the smell of a man taken at the scene of the odor specimen taken from the suspect. Dog - Rescuer is an indispensable element in search operations for missing persons in the field, in the ruins of houses or under snow. Nosework builds on this experience and based on the fact that the K9 team - dog handler and his dog search for the specific odors civilian agents in similar situations as a professional K9 teams of police, army and rescuers.
      This sport is first recorded in 2009 in the U.S.A. on the west coast in California, there were held the first official races. The mission of this sport is fun, and use natural abilities of dogs. Mission of the game is to entertain and amuse the dog, which will be satisfied as well as his master.
      Individual lines are:
      NW-N (nature): Search in natural terrain
      NW-U (urban): Scan the area in which there are things left to man (could be a furnished room, gardens, landfills and warehouses, parking lots, ruins, squares, streets ...)
      NW-W (water): Search in water
      NW-D (discrimination): distinguishing among objects and persons
      More informations Noseworkcz.net


      • Dogfrisbee a frisbee, playing dogs. The handler and the dog together form one team.
        In dogfrisbee there are several different disciplines, which can be divided into two categories: distance and freestyle disciplines.
        Distance discipline
        In all distant disciplines apply only attempt when the dog catches a disc thrown in the air.
        the Quadruped
        Quadruped is a knockout competition in throwing into the distance. It is the only discipline where men and women compete separately. Competitors soon undergo one hour drive without a dog and by the achieved results are divided into four groups. Each team in the group has three attempts to throw the longest caught, the worst team drop out and others proceed in the same way until each group will come from a winning team. The group winners will then compete in the same manner among themselves.
        At a distance of 20 yards from the start of the line is marked with the second lines. The task team is twice as fast as possible to catch and bring the disk thrown at this level.
        At a distance of 20 yards from the start of the line is the center of the target. The target consists of four circles: center circle has a diameter of 0.5 m, 2.5 m second, the third 4.5 m and 6.5 m outside. Evaluated where they fall front legs of the dog: for disk caught in the middle of a team gains 100 points in the 2nd zone of 50 points, 3rd zone and 30 points in the fourth zone of 10 points. If the dog goes each leg to a different zone counts zone of lower grade. An exception is the central zone in which sufficient impact of any one foot. Each team completes three laps after three throws, points are added up and the top eight advance to the semifinals. From there, then proceed to the final four teams.
        Super Pro Toss & Fetch
        The pitch is divided along its length into five zones. For the disc is caught between 0-10 yards a team does not get any point, between 10-20 yards 1 point, 20-30 yards between two points, between 30-40 yards and 3 points farther than 40 yards per 4 points. Another area five yards wide leads through the middle across the other zones; starts at a distance of 10 yards, and ends at a distance of 50 yards. For catching the disc in the central zone, the team added 0.5 points extra. For the disc is caught in a jump also added 0.5 points. The team has 90 seconds to get as many points, with the final result includes only the top five attempts. Maximum number of points obtained is 25.
        Freestyle is the most attractive and most difficult discipline in dogfrisbee. Its rules and assessment method differs slightly within individual organizations. In the Czech Republic most often competes according to the rules USDDN.
        In the case USDDN its disposal 10 discs, two minutes, and the music of their choice at the presentation of his report. Their performance is evaluated by four judges. First referee watching a dog - his interest disks, athletic ability, retrieving skills etc. The second referee watches the player - diversity summoned throws, the use of the playing area, the ability to seamlessly collect scattered disks etc. The third umpire watching team members - overs (vaults dog over a player), vault (reflections dog from a player's body), multiple (min. 3 drives captured in quick succession) dog catch (catching dog jump), directional distance movement (min. 4 discs in a row that the dog catches a greater distance from the player, eg. in a circle around the player), team movement (joint motion of the dog and handler, for instance. spins common) and passing (two missing handler in a straight line). The fourth referee counts many disks dog caught and passed. Each judge can give the team a maximum of 10 points, ie. achieved the highest possible number of points is 40.
        On the freestyle races as a separate discipline does not exist. Announces the competition "frisbee", which consist of two laps of freestyle and one round of Toss & Fetch (same as Super Pro Toss & Fetch, missing only the central zone). The ratio freestyle: Toss & Fetch was equal to 80: 20, multiplied by the number of points for each round of freestyle coefficient of 1.5. All points are then added together.
        Freestyle can compete in several categories:
        Puppies - 3 to 10 months (in the Czech Republic this category does not exist)
        Young males - 10 to 18 months (are forbidden vaults and flips)
        beginners - from 18 months
        open - from 18 months

        • AGILITY

        • Agility is a sport with dogs like a horse jumping.It was built around 1978 in England and is a sport which is the fastest track in overcoming some time. Individual tracks are different.
          Agility can do everybody with any dog. Obviously some breeds are better suited to agility like. Bohemian shepherd, poodle, sheltie, Czech Spotted Dog, Papilon, Belgian Shepherds etc. Races also various hybrids. At the World Championships in agility can only dogs with pedigree, dogs without pedigree at the World Cup so far not.
          The aim is that the handler with his dog overcome the track with obstacles in the right direction and order, without errors and in the best time.
          It's for dog, one of the most natural of activities - a dog in the pack (along with his master) works in overcoming obstacles in pursuit of prey. Prey becomes a treat or toy and praise at the end of his round. It's a sport that benefits the physical condition of the dog and handler and very well cementing relationships between dog and master. In addition, every workout and race an excellent opportunity for socializing the dog - in other words, a dog in this environment learn to socialize with other dogs and people get used to them, they lose fear and thereby eliminating the aggressiveness of this fear arising.
          Obstacles on the track are divided into three groups - jump, run and zone. Among jumping obstacles rank high jump, long jump, wall, viaduct and jumping circle, the zone belong beam, "A" (slanting wall, see picture), a swing and a table to run include tunnels solid or fabric, and slalom.
          Ideally overcomes racing team (handler and dog) without jumping penalties and in a shorter time than prescribed. Reasons for penalty may be essentially three - error, rejection and timeout.
          For bug counts dropping the bar in the high jump, dropping of the wall, the reflection from the obstacle by the long jump, missing a gate in the slalom (except the first), no step dog into the contact zone at zone barriers jump from the swing before it hits the ground, failure timeout dwell on the table, usually in the category beginners (A1) unintentional contact with the dog.
          A special kind of error is called crossing. Standard time. If the team overcame Show Jumping in time worse than the standard, but better than the maximum, it is considered an error and every hundredth of a second, for which exceeded the standard time is penalized by one hundredth of a point penalty (running time is measured to hundredths of seconds - an increasingly common the electronic timing).
          For refusal is considered passing the boarding party barriers (eg. A dog circles the obstacle and must return, but simply that the dog missed hurdle and simultaneously cut through the plane in which the starting edge of obstacles - a barrier just mine) and minutes of the first gate in the slalom.
          Every error and every rejection is rated 5 penalty points. The number of errors is limited, the maximum allowed number of rejections is 2 per course.
          If a team violates the rules more serious manner than an error or denial, is in the running disqualified. The reason for disqualification is particularly failure to comply with the order and direction of overcoming obstacles (dog one obstacle is passed and then over another dog to overcome obstacles in the opposite direction than prescribed), the third rejection in one run, contact dog handler (A2, A3), contact handler with an obstacle, dropping other parts of obstacles than is allowed (eg. dropping side in the high jump, "demolition" wall), exceeding the maximum permitted time to run, leaving the jumping dog, willful suspension of the handler, or overcoming obstacles unauthorized way (eg. skip the tunnel). Very often the reason is forgetting the collar on the dog's neck. The handler must be in hand or carrying any object that would motivate a dog (toy, goody ...). Even if it is a disqualification. Disqualification threatens even under harsh treatment of the dog (beating, pulling the skin).
          There are three size categories, and a small (psi to 34.99 cm KVH [withers size]), medium (psi from 35 to 42.99 cm KVH) and large (from 43 cm and above). And according to them, is determined by the height of obstacles.
          Agility teams are divided into three groups according to their performance - A1 (Beginners), A2 (advanced) and A3 (professionals).
          The team classification into categories by testing.
          Each new team will be classified in category A1. If the new dog handler and first won the title A3Championa, a new handler has the option to transfer automatically to the A2 category.
          If a team completes successfully tests three categories A1, has the right to advance to the A2 category. This law changes in duty after the expiry of 1 year from the date of the third test A1.
          If the team folds 5 tests A2 category without penalties, with placement in third place, at least two judges have the right to advance to the A3.
          The team may remain in A3 or A2 descend back into its discretion. To A3 can proceed again after passing progress tests.
          If a team meets the conditions prescribed in the A3 three consecutive years, gaining the title A3Ch dog that he is granted for life.

          Více fotek najdete HERE

          • DOG RACING

          • It is a sport that can easily approach the horse and greyhound racing. With the only difference that also short planar track, both with and without obstacles and several times. Sport comes from the US, where racing run only terrier.
            A flat track, the dog can run from five - six months.

            Flat track, about 70-100 m, which is bounded by a fence, so the dog can not escape. The aim is to bamboozle
            a) first to the finish
            b) in the fastest time at the end.

            Dogs run flat and hurdle track for artificial bait (can be a tassel, skin). The track can consist of three to five low obstacles. The target is bounded by a wall in which an opening corresponding to the size of the dog. The wall is made of foam rubber to prevent injury to the dog.

            1. Dogs start a group from the starting boxes and continue to run to the finish hole finish wall. A dog that runs up into first final space wins.
            2. Dogs start of the solo race the trap and continue to run to the finish, where artificial bait catch. Here measures time and wins the fastest dog in the totals.

            At the training sessions are running flat and hurdle track and the beginning of the dogs were discharged individually. With group runs begins when the dog is fixed on the tassel is sexually mature and able to jut out of the pits.

            Each owner can then choose after training in his racing compliant category that his dog will be the most fit.
            a/ group runs
            b/solo runs with run through the wall into the final space time
            c/solo runs with being caught tassels without breaking in through the wall into the compartment at a final time.

            More photos HERE

            • COURSING

            • Coursing is a canine sport. This is one of many activities, which is based on the desire to hunter.
              Runs in natural, slightly hilly terrain (although this is not required), with natural or artificial obstacles. The aim og coursing dog is at hunt prey that is pulled winch. This bait in the form of tassels from plastic strips or rabbit fur, cable is pulled between the rollers on the track, which simulates the real running hare. This is a two-wheeled race when the track length of about 548 to 914 meters (from 600 to 1000 yards) is constructed so that the dogs showed speed, chase (in the pack and cooperation) and intelligence.
              The maximum number of points that you can get in one round is 100. The minimum number of points needed to advance to the second round is 50.
              Coursing become in recent years a popular activity, and it is not only the domain greyhound breeds.
              It is an ideal discharge energy livelier dog breeds.
              More photos HERE

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